Exporting results to MS Office

It is possible to export the results of your choice to MS Office Word and PowerPoint in two ways.

Export on an individual analysis

The export of an individual analysis is easy; just select the Word or PowerPoint button on the right side of the analysis.

In some research reports the analysis can easily be transferred into table form by selecting Show as table below the analysis image, table or open feedback. The results can also be transferred to Excel as a CSV file by selecting Export CSV. If you want this function in your research, please get in touch with your Innolink contact person.

Export of multiple analyses

If you want to transfer multiple analyses at a time, select Export to MS Office from the analysis tree. A table will open in the centre of the page from which you can select the results to be transferred.

First choose what format you want to doswnload the report in: the options are Word (.docx) and PowerPoint (.pptx). If you have filtered the material, you can check off Include limitation descriptions which will display the selected filters in the report.

Next, you can select the results to be transferred. You can select the analyses you want from the table’s first column by checking the selection box. The analysis image name is in the second column and the analysis chart type and presentation method in the third column. If you want to transfer all of the results, select the box on the upper left edge.

Finally, you can download the MS Office report by selecting Create & Download on the lower edge of the page.

Export of filtered results

You can also transfer the results in their filtered form to MS Office, so if you want to examine only one unit’s results, first filter all of the material for the unit in question and transfer the results in your desired report format afterwards. Read more about material filtering. When you have filtered all of the material, select Export to MS Office and follow the instructions above.